Additional Virtual Remote Team-Effectiveness Solutions
Our extensive experience with thousands of leaders and team-members in over 25 countries over three decades has honed several customizable team-effectiveness solutions. Here are some examples. We specialize in tailoring virtual training, assessment, and facilitation to your needs.
How to Use Your Emotional Intelligence and/or Extended DISC to Adapt to Today’s Realities
Audience: All employees
Duration: 90 minutes
Location: Virtual
During this webinar, participants will:
• Review the EQ Model and use specific techniques to better understand their reactions to today’s realities
• Review team Extended DISC results to understand and apply best practices for reacting and responding to the changes they are facing
• If the team has not yet completed a team DISC profile, to share and discuss the strengths and needs of the team in light of the current realities
• Develop a specific action plan to help make the transition to their new reality
Building Resilience in Changing Times
Audience: All
Duration: 90 minutes
Location: Virtual
During this webinar, participants will:
• Learn concepts, tools, and techniques to understand and manage people through transitions in an evolving marketplace using the Transition Model by William Bridges
• Prepare for individual employee engagement conversations
• Deepen understanding of Covey’s “Circles of Concern” to better separate concerns that one can work on and others one should defocus
• Acquire skills for prioritization of work and life goals
• Review stressors and identify goals to address these
• Complete and initial action plan to foster ongoing communication, accountability, and employee engagement
Conducting Virtual Meetings
Audience: All people managers
and team facilitators
Duration: 90 minutes
Location: Virtual
During this webinar, participants will:
• Learn the steps needed to plan for and conduct virtual meetings
• Use the “6 P’s of Meeting Management” (Purpose, Product, Process, Period, People, Place) to effectively plan for a virtual meeting
• Define the various meeting roles that drive engagement and accountability during a virtual meeting
• Describe the importance of establishing measurable and specific meeting norms
Empowering Others Using the Situational Leadership II (SLII) Model to Lead and Manage Remote Employees (conducted as a series)
Audience: All people managers
Duration: 90 minute sessions
Location: Virtual
During this webinar, participants will:
• Discuss and identify how to specifically use the SLII Model to manage remote employees
• Practice conducting effective alignment conversations using the SLII Worksheet to empower others
• Practice S1, S2, S3, and S4 conversations using the checklists and conversation starters
Best Practices in Working Remotely
Audience: All employees / intact teams
Duration: 60 minutes
Location: Virtual
During this webinar, participants will:
• Discuss the challenges they may be facing while working remotely
• Learn best practices for working remotely, balancing both personal and professional need
• Identify a specific individual action plan for maximizing productivity and minimizing stress while working remotely
Leading in an Unprecedented Situation
· Assess leaders’ competency for leading through personal and worldwide anxiety and uncertainty
· Assist leaders in identifying their strengths and areas for development
· Empower leaders with tools to lead with excellence
· Create a customized, individual leadership development plan